April 15, 2011

Friday Funday

One of the MANY things I love about James' job is his schedule. He has every Friday off. Yes, it is as amazing as it sounds. We usually try and do a little something every Friday to get out of the house and spend some family time together. Today we decided to take the train (choo-choo for future reference) to the Oceanside Pier.
what is a family trip without breakfast at Panera for a Breakfast Sandwich. 

Eli is obsessed with cars and choo-choos. It was really fun to watch him get so excited about the whole thing.

When we got to the beach we decided to do something different. We decided to rent one of these bikes. It was so much fun! Eli could have kept riding but he didn't like the helmet.
Nurse mama + little boy not wanting to wear his helmet = End of bike ride

It was such a beautiful day.

That was pretty much the end of our day. There was an extra long nap to be had by all. Now off to dye easter eggs.


  1. SUCH cute pics. love your hats! we rented those bikes once when the girls were tiny! BAH! what a memory. i was a lil' obsessed with the horn. :)

  2. family outings are the BEST!

  3. Just wanted to say hi! I love these pics and the hats are sooo awesome, LOVE them! You guys must be the most stylish couple at your church? ha! The pastor at my church says me and my guy are the coolest looking couple at ours haha too funny. :))
